Spiritual Energy Healer & Reconnective Healing Brisbane
Patty Walcott is an Australian specialist in Reconnective Healing and has been credentialed to do the next level healing which is the Personal Reconnection.
After returning from a trip to the U.S. where Patty studied Reconnective Healing, people commented on how very different and younger she looked. She had lost weight and “looked very well and happy”.
Patty really loves doing Reconnections and Reconnective Healings and it is a truly wonderful experience when you know you are on your life path and doing what you are meant to be doing in life.
Distance energy and holistic healing for Brisbane clients
Patty Walcott is an energy, spiritual and holistic healer. For clients based in Brisbane and throughout Queensland, Patty offers distance energy healing.
During a distance energy healing session, Patty acts as a tuning device and focuses the energy healing frequencies for you, helping you to come into direct contact with this Divine aspect of yourself, which is always within you but is unknown and not usually seen or experienced in our busy everyday lives.
A distance energy Reconnective Healing session is AUD$95 (incl. GST).
What is Reconnective Healing?
Reconnective Healing is a return to Wholeness, it is Life Progress and completely transcends traditional energy healing techniques. It allows us to let go of the concept, approach and even the need for technique itself while including the benefits of all known energy healing methods. It is neither a therapy nor a treatment, as it does not focus on symptoms. It is something much, much more.
Reconnective Healing doesn’t require diagnosis, complicated steps, procedures or rituals. We simply interact with the Reconnective Healing frequencies, bringing about healings that are often instantaneous and tend to be lifelong. And the only tools required are your awareness, consciousness and presence.
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